About 56NB
At 56NB, we put together interdisciplinary teams from task to task, in order to make our competencies fit the challenge we face.

Mette Mikkelsen
Mette offers companies and organizations knowledge and tools to strengthen their innovation potential and develop sustainable products, services and processes.
By using design methods and tools, this proces becomes concrete and usable – all the way from the first idea to the implemented solution.
Mette was trained as a hands-on designer, and has since 1990 worked with design and innovation in commercial and public contexts.
She is an experienced facilitator and teacher with extensive experience in co-creation. She has developed teaching materials for managers, employees and students with very different backgrounds.
She is an affiliate professor within service and strategic design at Design School Kolding, where she has also been vice-rector.
She is part of the design mentor-corps at the Danish Design Center and has been approved to consult on the publicly funded circular economy project ‘Green Circular Transformation’.
We have developed better services, strategy processes and / or sustainable business models in collaboration with:

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